Sneak Peak at My First Book


I’ve finished writing, editing and rewriting my first book.  The cover is being done by Geoff at Boomslang Studios and I’m formatting the book for ebook and print sales. It will be available for purchase in the next few weeks.  Here is an excerpt to whet your whistle and get you as ready to read it.

Here we go; Worthless No More excerpt…

“When I was six years old I realized my dad didn’t love me. It was the summer just after first grade when my parents separated my mom took the three of us and my older sister to live in a run-down triplex in a part of town known for being rough. As a child, I didn’t understand that it was my parents’ problem to solve. I firmly believed that if my dad loved my siblings and me, he would have worked things out with my mom and let us stay there. From that summer until halfway through sixth grade I wanted them back together, because I thought my dad would love me then. I was wrong, living with him didn’t change how he treated us.

At nine-years old I had pneumonia for the third time in about ten months. The doctor told my mom that she shouldn’t smoke in the house because it just made my illnesses more frequent. On the way home from the doctor that day my mom ranted. “Who the hell does that doctor think he is? Telling me where I can and cannot smoke! It’s my damn house and if I want to smoke inside my own house, I damn well will!” That was the moment I knew that my mom didn’t really love me.

In a word, I felt worthless. How could I feel any other way, when my own parents didn’t love me?”


Let me know what you think.

I will keep you all updated as to when the book will be available for purchase.

One thought on “Sneak Peak at My First Book”

  1. Mishell, I think you are going to have a powerful book because you have a powerful story that is well written. You are a strong woman who survived a difficult childhood and teen years – and beyond. Carol and I were so happy for you to live with us for the time you did. We tried to provide a stable, loving, and safe home environment for you. You were a wonderful addition to our little family while you were with us. We loved you then and love you now.


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